The camapign for lupus education rolls along. It's amazing how many folks are still unaware of the disease. Lupus is more common that MS, Cystic Fibrosis, Cerebral Palsy and Sickle Cell anemia combined. It seems as though everyone has heard of these diseases but poor lupus is the step-child. Sadly, I understand why. Lupus is a hard disease to diagnose. The symptoms mimic those of other diseases. There is no clear cut symptom when it comes to lupus. It is a frustrating and expensive task to get an accurate diagnosis. That's why I have to do something to change it. It took doctors two years to accurately diagnose me. I was told I had irritable bowel syndrome, Chron's disease and that I had a case of crazy (i.e. a hypochondriac).
The first time that I heard of lupus was on the "Martin" sitcom when someone made a joke about Santa Claus having lupus because he had spotty hair. The joke tickled me then and I can definitely relate now to Santa's spotty hair. However, I'm very fortunate because my hair has grown back so quickly that I hadn't even noticed how full my hair has gotten. I guess I have had so many other things going on to notice. Team Jesus: 1000 Team Lupus: 0
Our pledges have reached a whopping $965.00. We are almost halfway to our goal of $2,000. I think that we are on track to reaching our goal figuring the walk isn't until September. I'm more than excited about the walk. I am eternally indebted to April and Cherish for getting the ball rolling and for all that are pledging, walking and praying for us. Daily, I amazed at the outpour of support from folks that I don't even know. It feels really good to know that we can make a difference in our little corner of the world. I'm so thankful. Below, I've uploaded one of my favorite songs by Mary Mary called, ironically, 'Thankful'. It speaks from my heart what I want to convey to each of you. Until...

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