TEAM Cakesy is the best! Not only did we meet our pledge goal of $3,000 but we surpassed it by $1,500. All for lupus research. Thank you, Jesus!
Last Saturday was an awesome day for a Lupus Walk. The weather was just right and so was the energy. The Riverfront was alive with smiles and joyous spirits. I was so happy to have seen classmates that I had not seen in over 10 years. I'm glad that I was kept so busy that I didn't have time to meditate on what a blessing that was. I was kept busy from the time that I got to the venue til the time I made it back home. What's so funny is that you spend so much time preparing for an event and then when the event actually takes place, it flies by in a blur.
My mom had T-Shirts made for the team. They looked really nice with all of the "A"'s in TEAM Cakesy being made into a purple lupus ribbon. Whoever came up with that idea was really creative that day. (Okay, I must admit, it was me ;).
The team had an awesome turnout with about 60 folks. My friends and their parents were there. Even my friends who couldn't make it to the walk were sent by their parents. My friends from FAMU flew in and Shana and Cherish came from Houston and Chicago, respectively. April had the Wayne State University basketball squad to walk with us. My cousin, Rodney, was the D.J. and he did an excellent job. It's a whole week later and people are still talking about the D.J. that played the violin while doing his thing on the turntables. I'm telling you, last Saturday was just a good time! Shame on you for missing it!

My cousin, Cakesy (me), my cousin, and my Dad

TEAM Cakesy